Mildenhall Forest Plan 2024-2034

Closed 6 Jul 2024

Opened 7 Jun 2024


Forest plans define the long term vision for a woodland or a collection of woodlands and set out how management will move towards achieving this vision over the next ten years.

We would like to invite feedback on the proposed Mildenhall forest plan. 

This online questionnaire forms part of a consultation with stakeholders that helps to ensure that we achieve an appropriate balance of objectives.

Why your views matter

It is a requirement that all Forestry England woodlands are managed to the high standards needed to meet the UK Woodland Assurance Standard that in turn ensures sustainable forest management certification of the Public Forest Estate is maintained.

The forest plan is available to download as a PDF below or alternatively viewable online within the Survey. There is also a hard copy which can be viewed at the Forestry England office at Santon Downham.

The online consultation will run until the 6th July 2024. Any comments should be submitted through the online survey form before the closing date. Feedback received after the closing date can not be considered.

What happens next

This online Stakeholder Consultation closes on the 6th July 2024. We will then examine the feedback and where possible, incorporate suggestions into the forest plan.

The forest plan will then be submitted to Forest Services, the regulatory arm of the Forestry Commission, and placed on the public register for 21 days. Subject to feedback approval will be obtained from Forest Services.

The approved plan will be made available on Forestry Englands website at


  • Landowner / manager
  • Local community member
  • Forestry Commission staff
  • Forest visitor
  • Forestry Commission agent / contractor / partner
  • Government department / agency or unitary authority
  • Non-Governmental Organisation / charity
  • Sports group
  • Commercial business
  • Wildlife management
  • Travel and tourism
  • Wood processor - including timber and woodfuel production
  • Media
  • Woodland group
  • Education and academia
  • East England


  • Woodland management
  • Forest design plans