Sallowvallets Forest Plan - Forest of Dean

Closed 15 Dec 2023

Opened 6 Nov 2023

Feedback updated 10 Jan 2024

We asked

Sallowvallets Forest Plan – external consultation – Winter 2023

We asked, you said, we did…

The external consultation for the Sallowvallets Forest Plan was open for six weeks in November / December 2023. We put posters at the entrances to the wood and at the cycle centre, directing people to an online survey. We also sent emails to known stakeholders, held a drop-in event on a Saturday at the end of November, and posted details of the consultation on social media.

You said

The majority of the 28 respondents to the survey described themselves as ‘local’, and included walkers, mountain bikers and representatives of the parish council. Three-quarters of them said that this was the first time they had engaged with one of our Forest Plan consultations, and a similar proportion said that their understanding of our management of the Forest of Dean had increased as a result of their participation.

The Sallowvallets Forest Plan will contribute to the delivery of the larger-scale ‘Our Shared Forest’ (OSF) management plan for the Forest of Dean. In the consultation, respondents were asked to score the importance of each of OSF’s land management principles. ‘Ensuring that the right tree is planted in the right place for the right reason’ was deemed to be the most important principle overall, closely followed by ‘reducing the spread and impact of pests and diseases’.

We also asked people to score how well the plan addresses each of the OSF principles and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with 87% of responses scoring OK, well or very well.

We did

Further encouraging comments included:

  • “This looks like a very well thought out plan respecting many of the most important aspects of this area.”
  • “I am sure this was a very difficult balancing act - well done!”
  • “Having looked at the plan in some detail it seems eminently sensible and a common sense approach.”

Forestry England’s response:

    • Thank you – it’s very rewarding for us to receive such positive feedback! Sallowvallets is a complex area to manage, and through the Forest Plan, we will ensure that it continues to deliver benefits for people, nature and the economy.


  • Some people expressed concerns about the level of mountain biking in Sallowvallets, while others wanted more information about how the cycling offer will be expanded in the future!

Forestry England’s response:

    • With some of the most popular mountain biking trails in the country, Sallowvallets attracts large numbers of cyclists, and it is always our intention to balance their needs with the needs of other forest users and wildlife. However, the Forest Plan is not the place to expand on our future recreation plans in detail – it is much more focused on the management of the trees and the landscape.
    • While the recreation offer in Sallowvallets has a high emphasis on mountain biking, there are extensive areas, both within the block and in neighbouring blocks, that have no cycle trails and are quieter and possibly more appealing to other forest users.


  • One person was disappointed to see trees felled into watercourses.

Forestry England’s response:

    • Felling healthy trees can sometimes seem counterproductive, but it’s always part of a carefully considered long-term plan for the benefit of the forest and its wildlife and people. Felling small numbers of trees into streams in Sallowvallets means that we can create fantastic wet woodland habitat, as well as slowing the flow of water, which reduces flood risk further downstream.



The forest plan for Sallowvallets in the Forest of Dean is due for renewal.

Forest plans define Forestry England's long-term vision for a woodland or a collection of woodlands, and set out how our management will move towards achieving this vision over the next ten years.

Sallowvallets is one of six landscape-scale forest plan areas identified in the Forest of Dean's land management plan, Our Shared Forest, which was published in 2019.

We would like to invite you or your organisation to leave some feedback on our proposed revision to the Sallowvallets forest plan, which is available to download in PDF format at the bottom of this page (under the heading 'Related').

Why your views matter

As part of the forest planning process, we carry out consultation with internal and external stakeholders, to ensure that the objectives of the plan are balanced appropriately, and to meet the requirements of the UK Woodland Assurance Standard, through which our woodlands are accredited.

This online consultation will be available until Friday 15th December 2023.

We will summarise the feedback and our responses by the end of January 2024 in the 'We asked, You said, We did' area. Your comments will be anonymous - you can choose to leave your name, but we won't include it in our summary.

What happens next

Once this online stakeholder engagement has closed, we will examine the feedback and where appropriate, will incorporate suggestions into the forest plan. We will summarise the feedback on the 'We asked, You said, We did' page.

We will then submit the forest plan to the regulatory arm of the Forestry Commission for approval.


  • If you have questions, come and speak to us on Saturday 25 November:

    From 25 Nov 2023 at 08:30 to 25 Nov 2023 at 11:30

    8.30am at Coverham (Parkrun)
    9.30am at Worcester Lodge field
    10.30am at the Cycle Centre


  • Local community member
  • Forestry Commission staff
  • Forest visitor
  • Forestry Commission agent / contractor / partner
  • Government department / agency or unitary authority
  • Non-Governmental Organisation / charity
  • Sports group
  • Wildlife management
  • Travel and tourism
  • Wood processor - including timber and woodfuel production
  • Woodland group
  • Education and academia
  • West England
  • South West


  • Forest design plans