Rownhams Wood Forest Plan 2013

Closed 17 Nov 2013

Opened 21 Oct 2013

Results expected 17 Nov 2013

Feedback expected 29 Nov 2013


Forest Plans define the long term (sually 50 to 100 years) vision for a woodland or a collection of woodlands and set out how management will move towards achieving this vision over the next 10 to 30 years.

The Forest Plan sets objectives for the woodland, taking into account requirements from the policy framework, local issues and outcomes from stakeholder consultations.

We would like to invite your views on our proposed Forest Plan as part of our stakeholder consultation, which is being carried out to ensure that we achieve an appropriate balance of objectives.

The document is here for you to download.

Please submit your views, comments and any questions you may have to me by email at or by post to:

John Stride, Forestry Commission, The Queens House, High Street, Lyndhurst, Hampshire, SO43 7NH

This part of the consultation process will run for 28 days from Monday 21st October to Sunday 17th November.

If we have not received comment by then we shall assume that you have no issues with the Forest Plan.

Why your views matter

We are asking for your views to ensure that we achieve an appropriate balance of objectives.

It is also carried out in line with the UK Woodland Assurance Standard which Forestry Commission woodlands are evaluated against in order to maintain certification to this high standard of sustainable forest management.

Following this stakeholder consultation, the draft Rownhams Wood Forest Plan will be amended to take account of any appropriate feedback and suggestions. We will then submit the Plan to Forest Services, the regulatory arm of the Forestry Commission, for any further consultation required before being formally approved.

What happens next

The online Stakeholder Consultation has now closed.  We are examining the feedback and where possible, will incorporate suggestions into the Forest Plan.

We will then submit the Forest Plan to Forest Services, the regulatory arm of the Forestry Commission, for any further consultation required prior to approval.


  • Landowner / manager
  • Local community member
  • Forestry Commission staff
  • Forest visitor
  • Forestry Commission agent / contractor / partner
  • Government department / agency or unitary authority
  • Non-Governmental Organisation / charity
  • Sports group
  • Commercial business
  • Wildlife management
  • Travel and tourism
  • Wood processor - including timber and woodfuel production
  • Media
  • Woodland group
  • Education and academia


  • Organisational change
  • Volunteering, skills and careers
  • Commercial opportunities
  • Education and learning
  • Discovery Pass / membership
  • Recreation
  • Events and concerts
  • Tourism
  • Timber, wood products and woodfuel
  • Grants and licences
  • Woodland management
  • Wildlife management
  • Pests and Diseases
  • Forest design plans