Pages Wood Wildflower Meadow

Closed 14 Mar 2021

Opened 23 Feb 2021

Feedback updated 15 Mar 2021

We asked

Members of the public were asked to comment on the proposal of a new wildflower meadow at Pages Wood. This consultation was shared on multiple Facebook pages and local Facebook groups, and notices were displayed on site at Pages Wood.

You said

There were 332 responses to the survey: 89% within 20 minutes travelling distance from Pages Wood (with the majority of people walking or cycling to the site). We have considered everyone's comments and nearly all the responses were very positive for more wildflowers at Pages Wood. We also took this opportunity to ask for feedback on the facilities at Pages Wood, all of which were voted ‘OK’ by the majority of respondents, except the sculptures and woodland trails which were voted as ‘good’ by the majority of respondents. 

We did

Following the overwhelmingly positive response to the wildflower meadow at Pages Wood, Forestry England will proceed with plans and the necessary surveys to carry this out. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete this survey.


Pages Wood is our largest site in the Thames Chase and home to over 100,000 trees. This valley of green space offers excellent views as well as a rich mosaic of habitats for wildlife. We would like to increase this diversity of wildlife by adding around 2 hectares of wildflower meadow. This is proposed to be located adjacent to the footpath running under the pylons (see attached document). A wildflower meadow will provide habitat for invertebrates and small mammals, and the bordering farmland will also benefit from pollinators, which are vital to the successful pollinations of cereals and fruit.


  • Local community member
  • Forest visitor


  • Woodland management
  • Wildlife management
  • Forest design plans