Broughton Moor Forest Plan 2020

Closed 2 Dec 2020

Opened 5 Nov 2020

Feedback updated 23 Dec 2020

We asked

Members of the public and stakeholders were invited to the consultation of the draft proposals for the Broughton Moor Forest Plan 2020-2030, to leave feedback to ensure that the plans objectives and proposals were considered and balanced. This was carried out via emails and notices displayed at forest entrances. 

You said

There were a handful of responses to the consultation from members of the public, with most supporting the main forest management objectives. The main concerns raised include the following:

-The impact of larch felling in Broughton Moor 

-Demand for mountain biking facilities in Broughton Moor

-Questions around Public Right of Way maintenance

-Concerns around illegal motorbike access

We did

Comments and feedback were incorporated into the Forest Plan where necessary.

The concern around the impact of larch felling in Broughton Moor is understandable given the prominence of this species in areas of the forest, particularly around The Hawk. The issuing of a statutory plant health notice and the ongoing threat to the larch trees in the area necessities that we act now, to reduce the risk to other trees in the area. In addition, the planned restocking containing a higher proportion of broadleaves when compared to the previous plan aims to reduce the landscape impact in the long term that losing the larch will cause.

Creation of cycle trails is outside of the scope of this forest management plan, however the feedback for additional cycling provision has been passed onto the recreation team for their consideration. Grizedale is Forestry England’s hub for mountain biking and supports numerous trails. There are no formal cycle paths or trails in Broughton Moor.

We remain committed to monitoring illegal motorbike activity in Broughton Moor and will continue to liaise with the police regarding this matter.

The Public Rights of Way within Broughton Moor are the responsibility of the National Park authority to maintain, and these comments have been passed onto the appropriate staff there.

This forest plan has now been submitted to the Forestry Commission for approval.


Forest plans define the long term vision for a woodland or a collection of woodlands and set out how management will move towards achieving this vision over the next ten years.

We would like to invite you or your organisation to leave some feedback on our proposed revision to the forest plan covering the woodlands at Broughton Moor. This forms part of our consultation with stakeholders, that helps to ensure that we achieve an appropriate balance of objectives.

Why your views matter

The forest plan for Broughton Moor has come up for renewal. We are asking for your feedback to ensure the objectives are considered and balanced for the proposals being put forward in this rewrite for these woodlands.

It is also a requirement that all Forestry England woodlands are managed to the high standards needed to meet the UK Woodland Assurance Standard that in turn ensure sustainable forest management certification is maintained.

The forest plan PDF is at the bottom of this page.

This part of the consultation will run until 2nd December 2020.

What happens next

Once this online stakeholder consultation has closed, we will examine the feedback and will, where possible, incorporate suggestions into the forest plan.

We will then submit the forest plan to Forest Services, the regulatory arm of the Forestry Commission, for any further consultation needed before approval.


  • Landowner / manager
  • Local community member
  • Forest visitor
  • North England


  • Forest design plans